In a tragic incident, Leh Superintendent of Police P D Nitya lost her parents and grandmother in a car accident in Chhattisgarh’s Durg district, an official said on Wednesday.
According to police, the accident took place Tuesday night near Khedamara village under Jamul police station limits when their car collided with a truck while they were returning home in Smriti Nagar of Bhilai city in Durg district.
Nitya is presently posted as senior superintendent of police of Leh district in the Union Territory of Ladakh.
The deceased have been identified as P Venkataratnam (65), his wife P Santhi (60) and Nitya’s 85-year-old maternal grandmother, they said.
A senior police official said the truck was transporting slag from a steel plant in Bhilai. The truck driver has been arrested and a case registered against him.
Meanwhile, ADGP Ladakh S D Singh Jamwal and all ranks of the Ladakh Police mourned the death of Nitya’s parents and grandmother.
In a condolence gathering at the Ladakh Police headquarters, officials paid homage and prayed for eternal peace of the departed souls.