The Delhi Police has arrested two sharpshooters associated with the Dinesh Karala and Jitender Gogi gangs, a police official said on Friday.
The two have been identified as Kartik (22) and Pardeep (21), residents of Jind and Rohtak of Haryana. Both of them were wanted in an attempt to murder and extortion case, the senior police official said.
They were nabbed from Jharoda Kalan after a trap was laid on an input about the arrival of the duo towards Dwarka for executing a crime, they said.
Upon search, two pistols and four live rounds of ammunition were recovered from their possession, while the scooter they were riding was also found to be stolen.
It was on November 7, the two had opened fire on a property dealer’s office in Uttam Nagar, where they also left a letter threatening the owner to meet Dinesh Karala.
Meanwhile, the gang leader Dinesh Karala is lodged at the Mandoli jail under the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act (MCOCA), 1999, murder and other heinous criminal cases.
It was following the elimination of gang leader Jitender Gogi, Dinesh took on the leadership responsibility.
Karala started demanding ransom money from gamblers, bootleggers, and property dealers, etc.
Two days ago, three sharp shooters of Neeraj Bawana gang were nabbed by the Special Cell of Delhi police following an exchange of fire near the Chhawla village.
According to police, three semi- automatic pistols were recovered from them.