In a move to address the surging air pollution in Delhi-NCR, Labour Minister Raaj Kumar Anand on Wednesday conducted a thorough inspection of vehicles entering the city at Punjab Khor to Ladrawan Road.
He diligently assessed the implementation of measures aimed at curbing air pollution, signaling the government’s commitment to combating this pressing issue.
As pollution continues to intensify in the region, the city government has initiated crucial actions under stage 4 of the revised Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) for Delhi-NCR.
Anand emphasized the need for effective implementation of pollution control measures on-site. Further inspection was carried out at the Jaunti border, Kanjhawala Road. The minister found violations in CCTV recordings of passing vehicles from the border area.
The minister ordered strict adherence to the norms and regulations to enforce GRAP-4 regulations, specifically targeting the restriction of entry for trucks and diesel buses from state borders.
“The Arvind Kejriwal government is firmly resolved in its commitment to combat the aggravating pollution levels. We are rigorously monitoring air quality by adhering to established norms and implementing necessary actions to safeguard the well-being of Delhiites,” he said.
“In adherence to these directives, the SDM concerned at Singhu border has taken swift action by issuing notice for the display of banners. These banners are set to be installed at the Singhu border and 150 meters ahead at the Kundli border, prominently conveying information about the applicability of GRAP-IV regulations in Hindi. Additionally, a temporary camp has been established to distribute brochures in Hindi, providing comprehensive information on the application of GRAP-IV in Delhi,” he added.