Delhi Police Crime Branch cracked a murder case under 24 hours with the arrest of a 19-year-old accused, who, along with his friend allegedly stabbed a person 15 to 20 times over a quarrel on some petty issue, and later ran away from the spot.
The deceased, identified as Gulshan, succumbed to his injuries later.
The accused was identified as Sumit, who along with his associates, was consuming alcohol in the DDA park behind the Police Station Narela on the intervening night of October 12- 13, the police said.
‘Under the influence of alcohol, accused Sumit and one of his friends stabbed Gulshan 15 to 20 times and ran away from the spot,’ the police said in a statement.
Registering a FIR in this regard, a search operation was launched to nab the accused, who was intercepted at an under- pass near Bankner village, and despite his bid to hoodwink the police, the polcie party apprehended him.
Sumit, upon sustained interrogation, confessed his involvement in the said case.
He is a resident of Alipur, Narela, the police added.