The Kerala Police have registered a case against Malayalam actor and politician Suresh Gopi and 500 BJP workers for conducting a padayatra (foot-march) from Karuvannur to Trissur highlighting the travails of those who deposited money in the Karuvannur cooperative bank.
The Thrissur Police confirmed that a case was filed against Suresh Gopi, BJP state president K Surendran and 500 party workers for creating traffic obstructions during the march. The march was conducted on October 2, demanding return of money to the victims of the Karuvannur bank scam.
The march was flagged off by BJP state president K. Surendran.
Meanwhile, Rabco Managinga Director Haridasan Nambiar appeared before the sleuths of the Enforcement Directorate (ED) for the second day on Thursday for questioning in the Karuvannur bank fraud case. The ED had questioned him on Wednesday and directed him to appear before the agency with documents of ten years of financial transactions between Rabco and Karuvannur Bank.
Co-operative department registrar TV Subhash, an IAS officer, was also asked to appear before the probe team. Although a notice was issued by the agency to Subhash to appear before it on Wednesday, he did not turn up.
The ED is of the opinion that the fraud that has been going on for years in Karuvannur may not be going on without the knowledge of the top officials of the Co-operative department.