Congress leader Rahul Gandhi Monday took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the Adani issue and said that when he presses a button on his remote control, Adani gets Mumbai airport and railways while when he does that, farmers gets the money and English medium schools are built.
Addressing a rally in poll-bound Chhatisgarh’s Bilaspur, the Congress leader launched Gramin Aawas Nyay Yojna under which Rs 118 crore were directly transferred to the bank accounts of nearly 47 thousand beneficiaries as a first installment.
The scheme was launched using a remote control. Later, he showed the remote to public and said that Prime Minister Modi also has one but he presses it in secret unlike them.
“When Narendra Modi ji presses the button of remote control, Adani gets the contract of Mumbai Airport and Railways. If we press the button, the farmer gets money in his account, English schools open. If BJP presses the button, the public sector gets privatized, your water, forests and land are handed over to Adani,” the Congress leader said amid loud cheers from the public.
The Congress leader said that when the Congress announced its guarantees for the state, Prime Minister Modi told people they will not be fulfilled. “But the truth is in front of you, we have fulfilled all those promises,” he said.
The Congress leader also accused the Modi government of not releasing funds meant for the housing scheme.
“The Congress government of Chhattisgarh has been continuously working for the people. At the same time, Modi government is not giving money to the people under the housing scheme and is not fulfilling its responsibility,” he added.
Earlier on Sunday, Rahul Gandhi claimed that Congress party will win the elections in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh and probably in Telangana. However, he predicted a close fight in Rajasthan but expressed hope the Congress will win it too.