The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has issued summons to Kuntal Ghosh, the alleged Trinamul Congress youth leader to depose before the agency at its Nizam Palace office next week. He has been asked to furnish all financial documents relating to his bank statements ranging from 2016 to 2021.
The CBI move follows revelation by Tapas Mandol, the alleged close-aide of the former president of West Bengal Board of Primary Education Manik Bhattacharya in connection with a Trinamul youth leader’s alleged involvement in raising money to the tune of Rs 19cr from aspirants of private colleges allegedly as grafts. Ghosh, meanwhile, a youth leader from Hooghly, has sent a legal notice to Mandol on his alleged tell-tale to the central agency accusing him of maligning his image.
An unfazed Mandol, however, sounded upbeat saying he had already apprised the issue to the central agency during its interrogation to him and even during a faceto-face quiz, the central agency had already conducted during one of his depositions so far.
Mandol, however, claimed that he had all requisite receipts to support his claim regarding the alleged grafts bearing Ghosh’s signature. A source in the CBI however, claimed that investigation revealed that the alleged estimated grafts that Ghosh was alleged to have been received as beneficiary, proceeds of which had also been routed to the accounts of Mandol as beneficiary and then channelized into accounts of others, including some influential persons.