In an unprecedented initiative on the eve of Diwali, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Saturday approved the regularisation of services of as many as 1,102,79 contract workers of various departments mainly education and Panchayati raj.
Taking the decision at a meeting here, the chief minister sanctioned the proposal to implement “Rajasthan Contractual Hiring to Civil Post Rules, 2022” in the state. These rules will be applicable to the contractual workers in the various departments in the state and their social security would be taken care of, CM said.
The contract workers who benefited from the new rules include the workers employed in Rajivika and MGNREGA of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department, 5,697 Madrasapara teachers of Minority Department, 44,833 contractual workers of Medical and Health Department and Medical Education Department.
With the implementation of Civil Post Rules, 2022, the recruitment of contractual workers will be done in a transparent manner and reservation will also be taken care of. Along with this, the contractual workers who will work for five years, in future on regularization of those posts, they can be made permanent by screening from those contractual workers.
It has also been taken care in the rules that which post should be considered equivalent to which permanent post, on this basis, the honorarium has been fixed for these contractual workers and the provision of special pay protection has also been kept. On regularization, these personnel will be given OPS.