

Mehbooba Mufti blames BJP for Maharashtra crisis

Addressing media persons in Srinagar, the PDP leader said there was no greater example of political corruption in the history of the country than the way the BJP indulged in horse-trading in MP, Rajasthan, Goa, and Maharashtra.

Mehbooba Mufti blames BJP for Maharashtra crisis

Former Chief Minister and Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) President Mehbooba Mufti, (Photo/Mohammad Amin War)

Statesman News Service
Jammu, 25 June.

Blaming the BJP for the ongoing political turmoil in Maharashtra, PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti, on Saturday, said what is happening there is a “total corruption and reflection of what BJP did in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Goa through horse-trading.”
She accused the BJP of turning democracy and secularism upside.
Addressing media persons in Srinagar, the PDP leader said there was no greater example of political corruption in the history of the country than the way the BJP indulged in horse-trading in MP, Rajasthan, Goa and Maharashtra.
“The country was built with the blood and sweat of leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Atal Behari Vajpayee and Rajiv Gandhi. Its basis was democracy and secularism. BJP is doing the opposite. I have never seen such corrupt government in my life”, she said.
Mehbooba lashed out at the BJP government alleging that all methods were being used to render the youth of Jammu and Kashmir powerless.
She appealed to the youth of Kashmir to shun militancy and save their lives, claiming “security forces personnel were getting incentives for killing them”. “I hear every day that three or four youths have been killed, which means the local recruitment here has increased,” she said.
She said Jammu and Kashmir are passing through turmoil and in the times to come, the state will need the help of the youth to set things right. Hence, they should not pick up arms.
Referring to the protests by Kashmiri Pandits over targeted killings of the members of their community, Mehbooba said people, including religious leaders, should lay emphasis on the fact that Pandits are part of the Kashmiri society.
“The situation was bad during my tenure as CM, but no Pandit was killed. I appeal to our people, our maulvis (religious leaders) to announce that Kashmiri Pandits are our assets,” she said.
About the unprecedented security arrangements for this year’s Amarnath Yatra, the former chief minister said the administration “has created such an atmosphere as if some attacker is coming.”
“Yatris are our guests. We have been caring for them for centuries. But, this year the administration has established so many security checkpoints that it seems the yatra is taking place for the first time,” she added.
She accused the J&K Administration of allotting contracts related to development works to “outsiders”. “Our jobs are put on sale. Our land is prioritised and given to security forces first. All small and big contracts are being allotted to outsiders including the Jammu AIIMS, and Kashmir AIIMS. All methods to disempower people of J&K are being used”, Mehbooba said.
Referring to the government’s decision to shut down a large number of madrasas in J&K, Mehbooba said, “Madrasas provide modern education at a minimal price. They are not giving weapons training. Why are schools on government land are also being shut? They want to take away the education of our children.”
Raising questions over the killing of Showkat Ahmad Sheikh, who was arrested in connection with the blast in a vehicle hired by the Army in which a soldier lost his life, Mehbooba said, “A blast happened in Shopian in a Sumo. They arrested driver Showkat Ahmad Sheikh and took him into custody. After 10 days, they say he was killed in an encounter in Kupwara. But now, did he reach there from custody,” she asked.

