Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar will launch Nirmal Sarovar Yojana in the state on 1 May under which 111 Nirmal Sarovars (clean ponds) will be inaugurated across the state.
Sharing more information in this regard, spokesperson of Haryana Pond and Waste Water Management Authority said on 1 May, a state-level function would be organised at Sonipat and Nirmal Sarovars would be inaugurated at 111 places by the representatives of the Parliamentary and Assembly constituencies under the leadership of the Chief Minister.
The spokesperson said that under the Amrit Sarovar Yojana launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Nirmal Sarovars will be built in Haryana.
In the first phase, 1650 ponds have been identified in all 22 districts of the state, which includes 115 urban and 1535 rural ponds.
The spokesperson said that the development of these ponds would be done as per the prescribed norms such as the minimum area of the pond should be one acre or more along with the proper depth of the pond and construction of embankments with proper slope etc.
Besides this, trees like Bud, Peepal, Neem, etc. will be planted on the banks of these ponds ensuring a healthy environment.
The wastewater flowing into the ponds will be treated so that it can be reused for drinking purposes for the animals, fish farming and irrigation. The rejuvenation of the ponds will also improve the depleting groundwater level.
The spokesperson said as per the data collected by Haryana Pond and Waste Water Management Authority as of April 27, 2022 as many as 18827 (rural 17971 and urban 856) ponds located on government land have been identified in the state through PDMS software.
The wastewater flowing into these ponds is being treated through constructed wetland technology so that the water from these renovated ponds can be used for above mentioned purposes. Apart from this, groundwater recharging work is also being done.
The spokesperson informed that out of the first 18 model ponds identified in the year 2019-20, work on nine ponds has been completed and the remaining nine ponds are likely to be completed by December 31, 2022.
Apart from this, the work of treatment of sewage water of Tributary drain no-4 in Gohana, Sonipat is also being done through Constructed Wetland Technology.
The spokesperson said the Authority has prepared the second and third phase action plans for the financial years 2021-22 and 2022-23 respectively for the restoration and revival of all the polluted ponds including the overflowing ponds.