

South DMC’s decision to not to reply to Delhi Assembly’s queries ‘logically correct’: Delhi BJP

Reacting sharply over the charges of AAP MLA Saurabh Bhardwaj, Delhi BJP spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor  said, “When Arvind Kejriwal Government is not implementing the 4th & 5th Delhi Finance Commission recommendations on funds for MCDs which it has accepted in Delhi Assembly then how does it expect MCDs to reply to that Assembly’s queries.” 

South DMC’s decision to not to reply to Delhi Assembly’s queries ‘logically correct’: Delhi BJP

Image credit: IANS

Delhi BJP has said that South DMC’s decision to not to reply to Delhi Assembly’s queries is “logically correct”.

Reacting sharply over the charges of AAP MLA Saurabh Bhardwaj, Delhi BJP spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor  said, “When Arvind Kejriwal Government is not implementing the 4th & 5th Delhi Finance Commission recommendations on funds for MCDs which it has accepted in Delhi Assembly then how does it expect MCDs to reply to that Assembly’s queries.”


“When the Delhi Government does not respect the Delhi Assembly then how does it expect South DMC to answer the politically motivated questions on hoardings raised in the same Assembly,” he said.


The Delhi BJP spokesperson has said that its surprising that MLA Saurabh Bhardwaj calls sites where BJP hoardings are placed as illegal but he and his colleagues turn blind eye when at same sites hoardings of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s birthday greetings or his party programmes are put up which shows Aam Aadmi Party’s dual character.
