At a recent episode of India’s Best Dancer, Guru Randhawa showered praises on the actor and host Maniesh Paul for adding entertainment value to every show he hosts and the jury members and contestants resonated with the thought even offering him a standing ovation.
Guru Randhawa said, “Every show that Maniesh hosts, while the show is already entertaining, the added entertainment quotient that he adds, no one else can do that.”
The entire set praised the actor for his commendable hosting skills with thunderous applause.
Meanwhile, ‘India’s Best Dancer’ has been ruling the TRP charts with fun segments of the host with contestants as well as judges, adding to the entertainment value of the show.
Recently, the actor-host also launched ‘The Maniesh Paul Podcast’ offering a platform for people from different walks of life to present their untold stories while making a difference in the world. After actors like Bharti Singh, Sharad Kelkar, Pragya Kapoor, Elli Avram, and Prajakta Koli amongst others.