Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur on Monday met Prime Minister Narendra Modi at New Delhi and invited for a function at Mandi on 27 December that is being held on completion of four rule of BJP government in the state.
The Chief Minister held discussions about various developmental projects of the state with the Prime Minister and also briefed about the performance of his cabinet.
He also discussed the party’s strategy for assembly elections scheduled to be held next year in the state and plans for completing mission repeat in Himachal.
Thakur also met Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla in New Delhi.
It is worth mentioning here that the state government is organizing a grand celebration on the completion of four years’ terms at Paddle Ground in Mandi district and Thakur invited PM Modi to be the chief guest on the occasion to which he reportedly agreed.
PM Modi will also take part in the groundbreaking ceremony of projects worth Rs 20,000 crore for which MoUs will be signed during the Global Investors Meet that was held in 2019 for which the Industries department had already made preparations.
PM Modi’s visit to the state gains significance ahead of assembly elections in Himachal and it is being said that he will announce big projects for the state during the function on 27 December.