The world of digital content creation, specifically in the field of gaming, has seen massive growth in recent times. According to a report by Statista, there were over 400 million gamers in India in 2021. This tells you the scope the gaming world has for gamers, even on the professional front.
This massive growth in the gaming world has also launched a wave of gaming content creation sweeping over all the social media platforms. While making it to the professional stage and making a significant mark on this world is easier said than done, Bhargav Bantaya has done this in what seems to be an effortless manner.
Reflecting on his journey, Bhargav shares,”Being a gamer or a gaming digital content creator in India is as challenging as it can get. You don’t have that many opportunities around like in the West, nor do you have access to the gaming equipment that the top gamers of the world are using. And to add the challenges, you don’t have support from your family or friends. But the trick lies in never giving up. It’s always the first step that is most difficult, and the trick lies in being constant.”
Coming from an Engineering background, Bhargav is becoming a popular name with his constant and high-quality content update. With followers and average views count already in five figures, Bhargav is ready with a strong community and is consistently giving the elites a run for their money.
On being asked for his plans for the future, this is what he had to share,” To be very honest, I don’t know where this road is headed. I am simply doing what I love to do and hoping that every piece of the puzzle falls in its place eventually. For me, it’s one game and one video at a time. I know the climb gets steeper from here, but that’s the best part. If I liked it easy, I wouldn’t have joined this digital gaming content creation world. People appreciate my work and skills, and I only look further from here.”
Being so young and just at the start of his journey into the world, Bhargav is already doing excellent for himself with new members joining his community every day. Just like wine, he’s getting better with age. And who knows, we might see him competing and winning professional events in the coming time. At this juncture, this doesn’t sound like a far stretch.
While he tries to upload content regularly, just like most of us, he also has some low days where he thinks that everything that can possibly go wrong is going wrong. But then, he’s not one of those who run away from challenges but instead, he always bounces back.