

Spencer Vann is helping people to reunite with their lost money from their foreclosed homes

Numerous individuals aspire to starting and succeeding in business in an established industry that already has many proven and tested procedures, examples of overcoming adversity from successful individuals, effective guides, and countless other data which are easily accessible for them to study and make use of.

Spencer Vann is helping people to reunite with their lost money from their foreclosed homes

The struggles and hard work of his parents, the tough home environment he grew up in, a younger brother with special medical needs, and a shattered dream pushed Spencer into learning and excelling at an industry he never thought he’d be working at.

Numerous individuals aspire to starting and succeeding in business in an established industry that already has many proven and tested procedures, examples of overcoming adversity from successful individuals, effective guides, and countless other data which are easily accessible for them to study and make use of.


Many of those who just settle for what’s spoonfed to them never really do well. While those who hunger for more end up mining untouched gems or industry secrets that lift them towards greater heights.


Meet Lucas Spencer, the co-founder, and CEO of SurplusFund.com – a surplus funds recovery business helping reunite people with their lost money from their foreclosed homes and training and grooming real estate investors on starting and growing their own surplus fund recovery business.

Spencer Vann built SurplusFund.com together with his co-founder David Church to create financial advancement and provide hope to all individuals who have lost their homes to foreclosure or are clueless about the excess money they may claim from the sales overages of their foreclosed homes.

Spencer Vann grew up not having much since his family needed to quite often put his younger brother’s necessities first. Mason, Spencer’s younger brother, was diagnosed with extreme autism just years after Spencer was born. Their parent’s struggles led Spencer to spend many nights sleeping on their concrete floor since his folks needed to rip off their rug after his younger brother destroyed it because he was not potty prepared.

That time, his family’s battles appeared to be unending. This drove and propelled Spencer to think beyond practical boundaries to help his family, particularly his younger brother Mason. He began to do well in sports, most specifically basketball and dreamt of getting into the NBA one day. Be that as it may, this fantasy was fleeting. Spencer broke his ankle and couldn’t walk and play basketball for over 6 months. He then realized that his dreams and goals have been stripped away for good.

Due to depression because of everything that has happened, Spencer’s mom spent many days comforting him and sharing with him her lifelong dream of buying and owning her own house. Wanting to help his mother with her dream, Spencer started studying real estate. Diving deep in his new interest, Spencer closed his first big wholesale deal at the age of 17 and eventually became a full-time real estate agent at the age of 18. Spencer continued studying real estate for 2 to 3 more years until he discovered Surplus Funds.

Spencer reached out to another brilliant sales expert in his industry in hopes of starting their own business in this newfound untouched treasure mine. Luckily, David Church didn’t disappoint and agreed to work with Spencer in fulfilling his dreams of helping many others. Fast forward to today, Spencer Vann’s business SurplusFund.com is helping reunite many homeowners with their rightful foreclosed house money and helping many real estate investors and entrepreneurs start and grow their own surplus funds’ recovery business.
