Bollywood heartthrob Vicky Kushal on Wednesday shared that he has started shooting for a new project. The actor posted a couple pictures on Instagram while making the announcement.
In the first picture, the actor is seen holding a paper and sitting in front of a dressing table. The second image has a side profile of Vicky as he smiles away from the camera.
“Shubh aarambh!” he wrote as caption.
Vicky, however, did not share details about his shoot or the project.
Fans were left gushing on seeing his latest pictures.
A user wrote: “You are so so delicious.”
Another said: “That smile just made my day.”
A netizen tagged the actor as “super cute”.
“Hayyyyyyy me mar jawann (I will die)”, said a fan.
The National Award-winning star was last seen in Bhanu Pratap Singh’s “Bhoot Part One: The Haunted Ship”. He will next be seen in Shoojit Sircar’s “Sardar Udham Singh”, where he plays the titular revolutionary.
Vicky will also be seen sharing screen space with former beauty queen Manushi Chhillar in an untitled project.