Felix says the turning point in his working life came when he was 16 years old, carelessly enjoying his life and his only aim then was how to spend his parents’ money in partying with his friends unless one day his love for DJing and turntablism started hitting him hard and ever since everything changed for this turntable legend from Kolkata, India.
Felix began to think about changing the direction of his career into the thing which he loved most—’enjoying the music’.
He turned his habit of partying himself into letting others tap their feet to his beats, all the while managing to keep his digits intact — a good thing since he got focused on his career that involved working with his hands, spinning records and mixing sounds doing very small gigs across Kolkata, becoming, along the way, one of the most successful turntable artists in India and across the globe.
Today, Felix Huang, 30, is better known to his fans around the world as DJ Felix. He, with some other handful of artists, led a DJ craze that started several years ago in India.
After struggling to get his name acknowledged by the Indian audience, Felix not only succeeded in gaining Indian fan base but he also succeeded in acquiring a decent fan base across countries like Dubai and Thailand, He has given house full shows in arenas like ‘The Rooftop Royal Ascott Hotel’ and ‘Headlines – Ibis World Trade Centre Dubai’ and post-Covid he also has plans to perform in the USA and European countries where audiences are super responsive when it comes to Hip-Hop scenario.
Felix describes his ‘so-hard-to-pin-down music’ with metaphors and similes. He invokes agriculture, for example, to describe the process of inviting guest artists to contribute to tracks. “I bring the soil and they plant the seeds,” says Felix. “Together we watch what grows,” he adds.
Felix started performing at small clubs of Kolkata at an early age and that’s how he helped and has been a part of the rising turntable culture across India.