Resurrection is the middle name of Davinder Singh ‘Fateh’, the star athlete who has won a total of 16 medals in his national and international sports career so far. After meeting an injury in 2015, which kept him away from track and field events for two complete years, he made a comeback at the All India Police Games 2018 with a silver medal. This spirit of sportsmanship and dedication has made Davinder an athlete par excellence and the winner of Punjab Government’s “Maharaja Ranjit Singh Award 2019.”
Davinder, currently posted with Punjab Police, is the son of retired Punjab Police officer Harbhajan Singh and homemaker mother Baldev Kaur. It is his dream to win an Olympic medal and for that, he is busy coaching with his coach Sarabjeet Singh Happy.
This 2-time Asian Championship finalist is also the National Champion in 400 m race. He has won Gold Medal at “All India Inter-university Championship” in 400 m, Bronze Medal in 51st National Interstate Athletic Championship and another Bronze Medal in the 52nd Open National Athletics Championship. His best performance till date in track & field events has been running 400 m in 47.21 sec and 4×400 M in 3.06.00 min. Another one of his best performances is winning a silver medal in 400 m (timing 47.32sec) at the 51st National Interstate Senior Athletics Championship in Bengaluru.
This soft-spoken Sikh gentleman doesn’t like to blow his own horn as far as his achievements in the field of sports are concerned. However, he is not a shy man by any standards especially if you happen to glance at his Instagram page, davinder_singh400m.
Today, this 6.2 ft true-blue sports star is a role model for millions of aspiring sportsmen and women. He has appeared on the “Mr. Punjab” show where he was a special judge. On the show, he was seen encouraging the young contestants to come forward and pursue a career in sports. Davinder is living a multi-faceted life. He began as a sportsperson and is now an influencer, Sikh model, fashion blogger and an inspiration to millions of youngsters across India. He has also acted in a number of Punjabi music videos as a model.