Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who was on a visit to Noida on Monday to review the arrangements and response to combat the novel Coronavirus disease, has transferred the District Magistrate (DM) Gautam Budh Nagar (Noida) BN Singh who has been replaced by 2007 batch IAS officer Suhas Lalinakere Yathiraj.
District Gautam Budh Nagar (Noida) of Uttar Pradesh has been the hardest hit region of the state by the Coronavirus pandemic, accounting for 31 of the total 82 cases. If district health officials are to be believed then it is clear that coronavirus has struck in Noida and Greater Noida through foreigner contacts.
Earlier, BN Singh had sent a letter addressed to the Chief Secretary, Uttar Pradesh Administration, dated 30-3-2020 which reads, “Sir, I would like to inform you that due to personal reasons I don’t want to be the DM Gautam Budh Nagar. Kindly relieve me of the present post and connected responsibilities and grant me three months of acquired leave. Request you to appoint some other officer to the post of DM Gautam Budh Nagar (Noida) as in the face of the current situation, vis-à-vis COVID 19, there is no administrative inadequacy.”
In a video that is going viral on social media, a furious Adityanath is seen chairing a meeting and chiding the officers (not visible). “Bakwaas bandh karo apna (stop this nonsense). It is because of this nonsense that this is the situation today. Instead of fulfilling your responsibilities you are passing the buck,” a furious CM shouts at the stunned officials.
The chief minister will also inspect the Control Room located in Delhi. He will stay in Delhi tonight and visit Ghaziabad and Meerut tomorrow.