It is not every day that the head of a state appears on the television and all telecast and broadcast networks tune in to relay his address to the people of the country. But then, it is not that frequent that an epidemic is scaled up to the level of a global pandemic, as has been the case with the deadly novel Coronavirus.
The virus, whose scientific name is COVID-19, has rattled the entire world cutting across over 180 nations, both developed and developing, resulting in the death of over 13,000 people worldwide and infecting more than 3,00,000, as per the latest figure on Sunday afternoon shared by Johns Hopkins University.
Tough times call for tough measures and that is when India’s head of state, Prime Minister Narendra Modi exhibited extraordinary grit, statesmanship, courage, prudence, and an uncanny calm when he addressed the nation on March 19 to seek their help, support, and cooperation in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic.
But then, he is Narendra Modi, who has always stood apart from his predecessors and peers alike when it matters the most, who takes the most difficult, and unpopular decisions with the sole purpose — India and its people.
He asked, or rather requested the citizens to follow ‘Janata Curfew’ on March 22, from 7 am to 9 pm, and also call at least 10 people every day and tell them about the measures to prevent the Coronavirus spread.
What was even more strange, coy, yet forcefully convincing, was his call for the 5 pm event for Sunday.
“On that day, at 5 pm, we will stand at our balconies, windows or doors for 5 minutes and show our gratitude to those maintaining essential services by ringing bells, sounding sirens, and clapping,” he had said.
What he wanted was for all to acknowledge, recognize, and appreciate the tireless efforts of the medical professionals who have been at the forefront making every possible contribution and sacrifice to keep us safe from COVID-19.
The medical fraternity must have received a shot in the arm by the innovative display of people’s gratitude led by none other than the prime minister himself.
PM Modi does not make bones and this time too, he admitted that the risk our country is facing is a veritable one as he said, “For a developing country like ours with a large population, the growing challenge of Coronavirus is not a normal situation.
For the last few days, it looks like if we are safe from Coronavirus. This belief is not right. Hence, it is very important for every Indian to remain aware and alert.”
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has taken the onus of India’s fight against the novel Coronavirus and has exhorted people to join him and the medical professionals. And like a true leader, he has assured everyone that there is absolutely nothing to fear and his words assuaged whatever fear there might have been before his March 19, 8 pm address.
“I want to reassure that all steps are being taken to ensure that the supply of milk, medicines and food does not stop. Do not hoard, be sensitive towards the need of others,” he said.
Yet again, the man has proved his all-around mettle, as Indians rose up to the call of their leader and reciprocated with an equally overwhelming display of unity, unison, and love for the country and its people, plus of course, the ever unassuming lawmaker most commonly known as Prime Minister Narendra Modi.