Bollywood is all set to welcome an extremely talented makeup artist named Ulviyya Mahmudova from Russia. After doing her job for years in her own country, she is finally moving to India to enhance the on-camera beauty of Bollywood actors.
Being a freelance makeup artist, she has already worked with some of the big names in Hollywood and is now looking forward to working with Bollywood actors.
She wants to bring the Russian style of makeup to Bollywood with her unique sense and creativity.
“Makeup has been something very close to my heart ever since I was a child. I have been following the fashion trends of various countries at a very young age. But Indian fashion is something which I find the best in the world. I definitely will bring the Russian touch to Bollywood but it will only be an addition to the Indian style of makeup,” said Mahmudova.
“Indian way of makeup is an inspiration for all the makeup artists across the world. The unique kind of makeup worn by Indian women has been fascinating me for years and it was my dream to get a chance to explore this type of fashion while being in India,” she added.
After receiving some offers from Bollywood, she is on cloud nine and is looking forward to working with some of the biggest names of the Indian entertainment industry. “I am really excited to work in the Indian film industry. This has been my dream for years. I would love to work with Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra, and Hrithik Roshan if given an opportunity,” she said.