Fake job racketeer nabbed by RPF
Railway Protection Force and the Eastern Railway’s vigilance team apprehended a fake job racketeer yesterday at Old Koilaghat Building.
RPF Constable post merit list 2019: All the candidates who have given the examination, can check their results from the official website-constable.rpfonlinereg.org
RPF Constable post merit list 2019: Railway Protection Force has released the final merit list for the Constable post. All the candidates who have given the examination, can check their results from the official website-constable.rpfonlinereg.org
The results have been released for Constable RPF and Constable RPSF posts and the candidates can check their results from the official website.
How to check RPF Constable post merit list 2019:
The candidates can check the RPF Constable post merit list by following the steps given below:
• Visit the official website-constable.rpfonlinereg.org
• On the homepage, click on the link that says, “Employment notice for the recruitment of Constable”
• On the page that opens, click on the link of the Group you want to check.
• A PDF containing the results will be displayed on the screen.
• Check your results and download for future reference.
Direct Link: The candidates can check their results by clicking on the direct link here.
The results have been declared in the form of a PDF where the candidate name, roll number and date of birth of the candidates have been given. The final merit list is made for the candidates who have qualified the Physical Measurement Test, Physical Efficiency Test and Document Verification.
For more information, the candidates should check the official website.