Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani, on Saturday, while expressing his condolences to the victims of the fire that broke out in a coaching centre at Takshila Commercial Complex, located in Sarthana area of Surat city, said that an investigation committee has been constituted and the Urban Secretary has been asked to file a report based on which further action will be taken.
“It was unfortunate. More than 20 youth died. We have constituted an investigation committee, Urban Secretary has been asked to file a report based on which we will take action. Builder and manager have been arrested,” said Rupani.
Earlier in the day, the authorities had suspended Surat Deputy chief fire officer SK Acharya and Fire officer Kirti Modh.
At least 20 people were killed when a major fire broke out on the second floor of a building in Sarthana area of Gujarat’s Surat on Friday. The building, Takshila Commercial Complex, is located in a prominent area of the city. Reports say that a class was on at the time of the incident and that some students and a teacher were among those killed.
Videos of the incident being shared on social media show people, including students, trying to escape the fire by jumping off the floor engulfed by flames.
Reports say that a short circuit may have caused the fire and that the death toll might go up.
Rupani had confirmed that children were among those dead. He also announced a compensation of Rs 4 lakh to the families of those who lost their children in the fire.
“There has been an incident of fire in Surat’s coaching class in which small kids have died. This incident is very saddening. The state government will give Rs 4 lakh financial help to the families of kids who died. Children who are injured will be given proper and fast treatment,” he said.