Union Minister Smriti Irani, the BJP candidate for the Amethi Lok Sabha seat had, on Monday morning, claimed that Congress President Rahul Gandhi was not present in his constituency, i.e. Amethi, on the day it was going to polls (May 6).
In the afternoon, Irani claimed that Gandhi had landed at the Fursatganj airstrip and was prompting booth capturing in Amethi.
However, her claim was found to be baseless because no aircraft had landed in Fursatganj with the Congress President, following which Irani claimed that “Rahul bhaag gaye (Rahul has run away)”.
So what is the truth?
Congress spokesman Surendra Rajput told IANS, “Rahul Gandhi is now the national president of the Congress and he was busy campaigning in Haryana. Congress workers had been assigned the duty of poll management. Smriti Irani has been levelling baseless allegations, including one of booth capturing which has been turned down by the Election Commission too.”
Former Congress MP Pramod Tiwari said, “Smriti Irani wanted to create confusion which she did in Amethi because she had realized that she was fighting a losing battle. All she could do was to send the media in a spin.
“The people of Amethi have voted for the Congress president who is going to win with a bigger margin than in 2014.”
Tiwari said that Irani had even accused Gandhi of being responsible for the death of a man who was not admitted to the Sanjay Gandhi Hospital. “Can anything be more ridiculous than this?” he asked.
(With IANS inputs)