A delegation of the BJP on Tuesday met the Director Vigilance, Cuttack and lodged a complaint against Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik and five other member of the Foundation Fund Committee of Lord Jagannath Temple, Puri alleging that the committee headed by the CM was responsible for the safety of valuables donated to the deities by the devotees.
The BJP contended that the committee had failed in its duty and had also violated the rules of the temple by shifting the valuables from the Ratna Bhandar to the locker of a bank recently. It also alleged that there was discrepancy in the valuables which at one point in time was recorded to be above 18 kg and when it was deposited in the bank locker it was only 14 kg.
Listing out sections of the IPC and the Prevention of Corruption Act, the BJP said a case should be registered and investigated.
It may be noted here that earlier, the BJP had lodged a complaint with the police at Puri. Since a case was not registered, the party leaders met the DGP Dr R P Sharma.
On Tuesday, they met the Vigilance director with the same complaint and said since PC Act related cases are also under the purview of the vigilance it was only proper to move the corruption watch dog. We will persist with our effort and the CM cannot escape from his responsibility, said the BJP.