Sridevi died on 24 February, the 54-year-old actress accidentally drowned last month at a Dubai hotel. Recently, her husband Boney Kapoor was spotted immersing a part of the ashes of Bollywood actress in the holy Ganges in Haridwar in Uttar Pradesh on Thursday. After immersing a part of the ashes in Rameshwaram, Boney Kapoor went to Haridwar.
Sources close to the family said the late actor had stopped at Haridwar during a film shoot in 1993 and had promised to return. It was to fulfill this wish of Sridevi that the family decided to immerse her ashes in the holy Ganga after performing a similar ritual at Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu. Boney Kapoor was accompanied by family friend and Rajya Sabha member Amar Singh, younger brother Anil Kapoor and other family members.
Earlier, the family carrying the ashes in two urns landed at the Jolly Grant airport in Uttarakhand’s capital in the afternoon and then drove in a fleet of cars to Haridwar.
Boney Kapoor broke down at one point as family priests Shiv Kumar Paliwal and Manish Jaiswal performed religious rituals at the VVIP that. Anil Kapoor consoled his elder brother.
Fashion designer and Sridevi’s friend Manish Malhotra was also present at Haridwar. Later, the family paid obeisance at Harihar temple at Kankhal.
-With IANS inputs