Actor Akshay Kumar, who awaits the release of his film Pad Man, has joined hands with ‘Khelo India’ to promote sports in India.
Akshay is considered as one of the most fittest actors and a youth icon. With Akshay promoting the campaign is a huge advantage as the actor is a sports enthusiast himself.
The Khiladi of Bollywood is excited to be part of the ‘Khelo India’ movement and wants everyone to come out and play.
” I am delighted to see that for the first time ever, through the Khelo India School Games & the broadcast of it on the Star Sports network, young sporting talent is being recognized and rewarded instantly,”
But this is only the beginning and I hope that the Khelo India movement gets the right momentum through your support. So, come forward and support the Khelo India movement. Saath mein hai Hum, Khelo India,” Akshay added.
The actor also emphasised on the need of quality broadcast to reverberate the unifying message of Khelo India across the country. Underlining the need of inspiring youngsters in India to go out and play.
The opening ceremony of the programme was held in New Delhi on January 31, 2018 in the presence of Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi. The program is slated conclude on February 8, 2018.