Youth from Bihar killed in South Delhi after being struck with a brick
The incident came to light following a PCR call to Fatehpur Beri police station about a dead body found in a vacant plot in Ayanagar.
“We don’t know about the foreign fatalities,” he said, adding 12 Afghans had been wounded.
With 15 foreigners already confirmed dead in the attack that began late Saturday, that takes the total death toll to 40.
Afghan officials had previously said 22 people were killed in the massacre, the majority of them foreigners.
Investigators are still looking into how the militants were able to get through several layers of security at the hotel, which sits on a hilltop overlooking the Afghan capital.
Visitors to the upmarket hotel have described glaring security breaches before the assailants went on a bloody rampage targeting guests, with bags not checked and scanners not working.