The main accused of the Rs 300 Crore NH-74 land scam, D.P Singh, surrendered before Special Investigation Team of the Uttarakhand Police at Ruderpur (Udham Singh Nagar) in a Bollywood film style. Walking casually, like strolling in the market, the former land acquisition officer entered the Senior Superintendent of Police office campus on Thursday afternoon. Wearing blue jeans and jacket, the body language and confidence of Singh surprised one and all.
A team of the state police is investigating the Rs 300 crore National Highway-74 scam in which high compensation was paid to selected individuals by showing their agriculture land as commercial land. The police had so far arrested eight persons in connection with the scandal, but the main accused D.P Singh was absconding since a long time.
Udham Singh Nagar’s SSP Sadanand Date said, “D.P Singh has surrendered before the SIT and he has registering his statement with the police. We will be producing him before the court on Friday.”
In an exercise to nab the main accused D.P Singh, the Special Investigation Team conducted raids at Dehradun, Delhi and town in U.P on Thursday. But the land acquisition officer surfaced in Ruderpur. DP was troubling the cops since five months.
The scam took place in the highway project connecting Rampur to Kathgodam sector and Jaspur to Khatima sector. In which land was acquired for construction of NH and by showing the agriculture land as commercial the payment was made.
The investigation into the NH-74 scam has turned into prestige issue for the BJP government in Uttarakhand. The Congress is constantly raising the issue as despite state government recommendation the CBI has not yet started the probe. On the other hand, the SIT team is making rapid progress in the case.