Telugu film director Pavan Sadineni's new venture PillA will be launched on Vuclip's video-on-demand service Viu on March 29.
The show for entertaining Telugu speaking digital audience, is co-produced by Viu and Tamada Media and presented by Annapurna Studios.
Pavan has directed Telugu hits such as Prema Ishq Kadal and Savitri. He shot to fame with his short films such as Interview, Love Formula 31 and Bewars.
He shared a poster and teaser of PillA on his Facebook page.
Dhanya Balakrishna, who plays supporting character roles in Tamil and Telugu films, has played the lead in PillA.
It is a 'dramedy' in which Dhanya plays a typical girl-next-door who goes out to party, gets drunk and realises she has become pregnant. The 10-episode show will see her trying her best to trace back the events of the drunken night.
PillA is for the digital audience of today. It is an urban entertainer that deals with an interesting subject of pre-marital pregnancy. I am excited about the subject and at the same time excited about debuting on Viu as it is like a homecoming for me to get back to digital," said Pavan.
The show will have well-known actors from the Telugu film industry making guest appearances.