A day after Yogi Adityanath was sworn in as the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, two slaughterhouses were on Monday sealed by the Nagar Nigam authorities in Allahabad.
BJP president Amit Shah had on Friday said that he had promised to shut down all the slaughterhouses running in the state ahead of the Assembly elections.
"Uttar Pradesh will soon be on the map of developed states of the country. We will wipe the BIMARU tag from the state," Shah was quoted as saying to a news website.
The ban on legal as well as illegal slaughterhouses was one of the main agendas of the BJP manifesto in the recently concluded elections.
Reports suggested that there are about 130 legal slaughterhouses in the state employing over two lakh people. The net worth of the entire beef industry in UP is approximately Rs 17,000 crore.
The beef row started after a man was lynched to death in Dadri after rumours that he had stored beef in his refrigerator.
(With inputs from agencies)