

8th Day

A story of family, upheaval and cross-cultural experiences

Persian Nights by Alaka Rajan Skinner is a graphic memoir that weaves the magic of storytelling with the historical and political contexts of a young Indian girl growing up in Tehran in tumultuous times and the geopolitical ramifications.

Transcending borders of orthodoxy & ritualistic practices

Literary translation is a fusion of the craft of translation with creative artistry, or the creative crafting of words in the target language, so that the purpose and aesthetic style of the source text are recreated and transferred with felicity into the target text.

Sound of song

To the readers, I say, no you do not need to practise detachment. Do attach yourself to the transient. But let it be that transience which is timeless. 

Tuning talent in melodic maze

Reality shows are a hit amongst the Indian audience, garnering loyal viewership from people all over the nation, especially popular among working women, to whom reality television offers a way to escape mundanity and monotony after a long day of work.