Leading women personalities on what it takes to be a woman!
On International Women's Day, The Statesman talked to esteemed women personalities from various fields on what it takes to be a woman in our country and what empowers them.
On this day a century ago, these were some of the news items The Statesman readers got to read about India and the world.
To The Editor Of The Statesman
SIR, – I wonder whether there is any likelihood of the broad gauge railway being completed between Santahar and Siliguri during the lifetime of any of the present generation. This remark is called for because this piece of the line, which is now metre-gauge, is the worst laid of any in India, I think. It is for one’s sins that one is compelled to travel over it both to and from Darjeeling and other stations in North Bengal during the night, for any chance of rest or sleep during those hours – except perhaps for the “storm-proof” individual – is absolutely out of the question. The vibration, to call it by its mildest term, is so great that rest in any position for five consecutive minutes is impossible. When remarking on this to a railway official, I was told, “We are doing little to this section as the track will have to be re-laid for the broad-gauge.” Meanwhile the travelling public, who have been mulcted for enhanced fares and freights, are being victimised.
To The Editor Of The Statesman
SIR, -With reference to your Racing Correspondent’s notes in yesterday’s Statesman, I wish to point out that he is incorrect in his statement that the end portion of the public stand was reserved for members of the R.C.T.C. The only portions of the public stand reserved are the two rows of boxes, the passage behind each row, and one stairway (that the nearest to the Club Stand) leading to the boxes. I regret that there should have been any misunderstanding on the part of the public as to the arrangements, which are as stated above. The “wrathful person” who stated that he had watched the races for the last fifteen years from the steps, which are now reserved as an approach to the boxes, seems to forget that, during the last two Monsoon seasons, the whole of that portion of the stand was reserved for Club members.
Secretary, R.C.T.C. Calcutta.
To The Editor Of The Statesman
SIR, – With reference to the letter of Resident, published in The Statesman, I would suggest that, as the question of extending the tramways to DumDum and Barrackpore does not seem to be one for immediate solution, arrangements might immediately be made for the supply of filtered water and improved drainage system in villages like Belghoria and Sodepur, which have very easy means of conveyance by rail, so as to increase residential facilities for middle class people who now resort to the city for fear of malaria in the above-mentioned places. The municipalities of these places not having sufficient means for improving these villages, I think that either the Calcutta Corporation or the Improvement Trust might, in the interest of the poor citizens of Calcutta, carry out the necessary improvement works; and it will be cheaper to do so than to provide accommodation by further extending the city southward.