Leading women personalities on what it takes to be a woman!
On International Women's Day, The Statesman talked to esteemed women personalities from various fields on what it takes to be a woman in our country and what empowers them.
On this day a century ago, these were some of the news items The Statesman readers got to read about India and the world.
The public will welcome the infliction by the Governor-in-Council of exemplary punishments on a police sub-inspector and inspector at Maneshwardi and Bhanga, respectively, for their callousness in failing to satisfy themselves that a woman arrested for complicity in a theft was in a proper condition to cover on foot the long distance which separates the villages in question from Faridpur. Shortly after her arrival at Faridpur, the wretched woman, who within three days had been compelled to trudge five miles to Bhanga and again ten miles from Talma to Faridpur, gave birth to a stillborn child. Her condition and her sufferings were apparent and the constables in charge of the escort seem to have done what they could – and it was very little – to relieve her necessities. Their superiors have been responsible and, after remarking that “it is this callous exercise of authority which brings the police force into disrepute,” the Governor-in-Council has directed that the sub-inspector shall be removed from the charge of a police station and degraded for eighteen months and that the inspector, whose responsibility was less direct, shall be degraded for a year. Little by little this kind of atrocity committed under the guise of official sanction must be made as impossible in India as, for fifty years at any rate, it has been in England.
In the course of a circular letter to local Governments and administrations in regard to the establishment of a provident fund for teachers in the non-pensionable service, the Secretary to the Education Department, Government of India, writes:- The replies of the local Governments have been received and the Government of India are glad to find that the general idea of the scheme has been well received. Certain difficulties arising from the conditions in various provinces, are, however, apprehended and the general position has materially changed as a result of the impending measures of devolution to local Governments, especially in the matter of financial powers. In these circumstances the Government of India have come to the conclusion that the exact procedure which it had been intended to follow will no longer be applicable, as greater latitude must be permitted to provincial Governments.
The following Press communiqué has been issued by the Punjab Government. In connection with the punishments inflicted on students in Lahore in May last by principals of colleges, at the suggestion of the martial law authorities, for participation in the disturbances in April, it has been decided that principals shall be at liberty to bring forward any individual case in which they consider that undue hardship has been caused. No general reinvestigation of cases is contemplated, but any individual cases brought forward by principals will be examined by a committee consisting of the Vice-Chancellor, Mr. H.J. Maynard,C.S.I., (president); the Rev. Dr. J.C.R. Ewing, C.I.E., and the Hon. Mr. J.A. Richey, Director of Public Instruction.
The members of the Royal Asiatic Society, American Oriental Society and Scuola Orientale of Rome are holding a four days’ joint session in London to discuss oriental research. Sir Charles Lyall welcomed the visitors. The numerous papers to be read have necessitated the formation of separate sections for Near Eastern, Indian and Far Eastern subjects. Sir Charles Lyall said they aimed at concerting plans for the advancement of archaeological research among the Allies. The changes wrought by the war would enable scientific research to pursue its work in large tracts of territory hitherto closed. He referred to the entry of India as a nation into the field of politics, and said it was essential that a thorough endeavour be made to understand the Indian mind, thought and inspiration. Professor Cordier read a paper on the great development in the knowledge of Chinese art during the past twenty years and the influence upon it of Buddhism.
Mr. Clemencfau’s letter of protest against the second paragraph of article 61 of the German constitution declares that it constitutes a formal violation of the Peace Treaty, firstly by providing the admission of Germany into Reichsrat, thus assimilating Austria to the German Empire, and secondly by admitting and providing for the participation of Austria in the Council of Empire, thus creating a common political tie in absolute opposition to Austria’s independence. Consequently the Allies invite Germany to take legal measures in order to remove without delay this violation by declaring this article of the constitution null and void. The Allies will be compelled if satisfaction is not given within fifteen days to order an immediate extension of the occupation of the right bank of the Rhine.