Leading women personalities on what it takes to be a woman!
On International Women's Day, The Statesman talked to esteemed women personalities from various fields on what it takes to be a woman in our country and what empowers them.
On this day a century ago, these were some of the news items The Statesman readers got to read about India and the world.
It may be assumed with some confidence that by none will keener regret be felt than by Buddhists, wherever they are to be found, at the attacks which have been committed upon visitors to pagodas during the festival at Mandalay. These attacks have resulted fatally in the case of one unfortunate Chinaman, while a young European, who has only lately returned to Burma after several years’ war service, was disfigured for life, his nose being severed and other injuries being inflicted on his head and shoulders. Such outrages are utterly foreign to the true spirit of Buddhism. Genuine Buddhists would be incapable of these deeds, even if some cause of offence existed, and no doubt it will be found that the perpetrators, whether nominal monks or merely “persons dressed as hpoongyis” – to adopt the phrase used in the police notifications – are ignorant men infected with fanaticism. As regards the wearing of shoes in pagodas, this is a matter which good sense, courtesy, and the respect due on the part of visitors to religious feeling, ought to prevent from ever developing into a source of offence. No one understanding Buddhist feelings would dream of entering a temple with shoes on. The Governor of Bengal has not hesitated to put off his shoes when visiting a temple, and other people may well follow the example. At the same time, even if feelings were wounded by the thoughtlessness or ignorance of visitors, true Buddhists would never retaliate by such acts of personal violence as those reported from Mandalay.
His Honour the Lieutenant-Governor received a deputation of mill-hands yesterday. The mill-owners were also present. The mill-hands submitted a statement of their claims and grievances. They are asking for a one hundred per cent increase. It transpired in the course of the interview that a great percentage of the men are heavily indebted, and have to pay exorbitant interest, and thus a large percentage of their earnings is taken over by the banias or moneylenders every month. The mill authorities are now considering the men’s demands and have heard that the representatives of the different departments of each mill had to say with regard to their grievances. No further trouble is expected. The question of the indebtedness of the mill-hands is a particularly difficult one, but on its proper solution depends the future prosperity of a large percentage of the mill-hands in Cawnpore.
A movement is on foot here to present a public address to Mr. Tilak in the name of all the citizens of Poona. The Liberal Party and the non-Brahmin communities being opposed to this movement, a meeting, representative of all castes and creeds, was held here last night, at which a manifesto setting forth the grounds of their opposition to Mr. Tilak’s social and political activities, and delineating the Liberal Party’s future programme of work, was adopted. Persons honouring Mr. Tilak were requested to confine the affair to his friends and admirers. The Hon. Mr. Paranjpye presided and Professors Kale, Kanitkar and Jog, took part in the meeting. The President, in his opening remarks, said they had no objection to Mr. Tilak’s admirers giving him any number of addresses they pleased.
It is notified that, following the practice in force in the Home Army, commands of divisions in India are not now tenable by Lieutenant-Generals. Officers of this latter rank holding such commands or promoted to that rank during their tenure will be required to vacate on the expiration of three months’ notice. Similarly, with the exception of the three Frontier Brigades and the defended ports of Calcutta, Bombay, Karachi and Aden, Brigade Commands will not be tenable by Major-Generals, but will be held by Colonels with the temporary rank of Brigadier-General. Officers of higher rank than Colonel (temporary Brigadier-General) now holding such commands, or promoted to higher rank during their tenure of such commands, will be required to vacate after three months’ notice.
An unsuccessful attempt by tribesmen, probably Orakzais, was made to raid Kohat city on the night of the 2nd and 3rd instant. According to the latest information the casualties in the attack on the train near Thal on the 1st inst., were thirty-six killed and fifty wounded. In Waziristan, owing to petty faction intrigues, some sections of the Tochi Waziris are experiencing difficulty in realising their share of the fine imposed by our terms. On the 3rd inst. some tribesmen followed our picqueting troops back to Khirgi. They were dispersed by fire from Khirgi. We suffered no casualties.