Leading women personalities on what it takes to be a woman!
On International Women's Day, The Statesman talked to esteemed women personalities from various fields on what it takes to be a woman in our country and what empowers them.
On this day a century ago, these were some of the news items The Statesman readers got to read about India and the world.
The new diplomatic appointments do not exhibit that disposition towards revolutionary change in the methods of the British Foreign Office which was hypothecated as one of the outcomes of the war. Lord Grey goes temporarily to Washington with Sir William Tyrrell as a species of Counsellor of Embassy. Everyone will welcome the appointment, more especially in view of the self-sacrifice it denotes in the case of the now nearly blind statesman. Washington, however, has long been the chosen place of experiment with the non-diplomatic type of representative, as witness the tenure of the Embassy by Lord Bryce and Lord Reading. Sir William Tyrrell, who goes with Lord Grey, was his Private Secretary throughout his Foreign Office days. For the rest, Sir George Buchanan, who was hardly a conspicuous success at Petrograd, goes to Rome, although no mention is made of the future of Sir Rennell Rodd, whom his appointment displaces; Mr. Max Muller goes to Constantinople; and Sir George Clerk to Prague, or wherever the capital of Czechoslovakia is to be fixed. All these men are products of the system which sent Sir Louis Mallet to Constantinople in 1913 and the appointment – with the exception of Lord Grey’s – do not suggest that British diplomacy will be either more or less discerning than in the period which led up to the great struggle.
Sir Abbas Ali Baig, who recently returned to India, in the course of an interview according to the Times of India said: Most British statesmen with whom I came in contact in England are imbued with a genuine desire to consolidate Indian and British interests by a policy on mutual helpfulness, and to assure to India a full measure of autonomy. There is a marked tendency to recognise that the driving force of national patriotism and love of country, which alone can raise Indians to a worthy place among great nations of the world, must have their full play in shaping the political destiny of people. I believe that the reactionary element in the public life of England will not be able to resist the stimulus of liberal impulse which are welling up around them.
The news of the breakdown of negotiations was received with consternation and regret. It is understood that the Premier at the Downing Street conference appealed to the railwaymen to accept the offer of arbitration, which was a new offer and in effect was an offer of an armistice accompanied by arbitration. Government circles are strongly of opinion that the railwaymen’s flat refusal of the offer reveals that there is more behind the strike than a mere question of wages. The conference of the Unions adjourned until the 7th October, when the delegates to Downing Street will submit proposals to the conference.
The Central Provinces Government, in a Press note, announces that it has been decided to constitute a committee, consisting of the Hon. Messrs. Kelkar, Deshponde, Khan Bahadur Malak and the Principals of the Morris and Hilsop Colleges, with power to co-opt not more than two members, to make general recommendations regarding facilities for commercial training in the colleges of these provinces. The committee will deal especially with the recommendations of the Industries Commission, and consider separately the application of higher forms of education (that is University courses, particularly those in economics, history and geography) to commercial needs, and the demand for more professional courses of training below the university level. Other questions of a similar nature regarding education in its relation to commerce will also be referred to the committee for its opinion.
Sir Graeme Thomson, the new Colonial Secretary to Ceylon, was the recipient of a silver tea and coffee service presented by the staff on his retiring from the Directorship of Transport and Shipping. The Shipping Controller, Sir Joseph Maclay, presiding, said that no man whether in the army, navy or Cabinet had served the country more faithfully than Sir Graeme Thomson. He regretted that Lady Thomson was not present to witness the demonstration of esteem in which her husband was held. Mr. Kemball Cook, who is Sir Graeme Thomson’s successor, made the presentation. He dwelt on Sir Graeme’s great courage, infinite tact, and sound judgment, and his consideration for others. Sir Graeme Thomson replied in a happily worded speech.