Leading women personalities on what it takes to be a woman!
On International Women's Day, The Statesman talked to esteemed women personalities from various fields on what it takes to be a woman in our country and what empowers them.
On this day a century ago, these were some of the news items The Statesman readers got to read about India and the world.
Dr. Mary Scharlieb, in a lecture delivered in London on the Norman Kerr foundation, reviews the general course of liquor control during the war and the effect which the national awakening to the importance of sobriety had upon the military issue. Referring specially to alcoholism among women, she says that the war in the first place encouraged it but by July, 1917, a big decline in female drunkenness was reached, partly by the action of the Central Board of Control and later by the Food Controller. This action took the form of restrictive measures applied to the sale of alcohol and constructive measures to increase opportunities for non-alcoholic refreshment. Dr. Scharlieb appeals to the members of the medical profession to come out into the open and let all the world know that they are true to the teaching of physiology and pathology. They must teach their patients that alcohol is not a food; that, habitually used, it serves to useful purpose in the body; that it is sometimes, but not often, indicated as a remedy, and, when so used, must be given with the same precautions and sense of responsibility as any other remedy. On the pathological side, they should show that they recognise the excessive or improper use of alcohol as one of the chief causes of ill health, premature mortality, inefficiency, and social degradation.
PATNA, NOV 29 The second convocation of the Patna University was held this afternoon in Council Chamber at Government House. After His Honour the Chancellor had declared convocation open the ViceChancellor admitted the Hon. Sir Edward Albert Gait to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, and, in doing so, said: “It is my privilege to confer upon Your Honour on behalf of the Senate of the University the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Honors causa, which degree has been conferred upon you by reason of your eminent position and attainments, and more especially for your valuable original contributions to the study of ethnology and history, and for your inestimable services to the cause of learning in this university.” The candidates were then presented and admitted to their degrees, and the Vice-Chancellor read his annual report reviewing the work of the University for the past year.
As already announced a committee has been appointed to deal with the question of the All-India Chemical Service. Details are now available, which show that, unsatisfactory as the existing position is from the point of view of the employed, it is even less satisfactory from that of the employer. The inability of Local Government to judge of the work of the isolated scientific offices whom they employ, or to replace them when they leave or fall ill, has been fully emphasised by the Industrial Commission. Instances, such as the Geological Survey of India and the Indian Agricultural Service prove by their success, even on their present limited scale, the advantages of the system even though that system differs radically in the case of these two departments.
In the House of Lords, Lord Curzon, in the course of a statement on the situation in Egypt, said that the unrest was fundamentally due to economic causes, especially the high cost of living, but this unrest was being exploited politically. Foreign Socialists were taking no small part in fomenting the existing discontent. The Government had done their utmost to remove legitimate grievances by securing substantial ameliorations in labour conditions. Referring to the Nationalist agitation, Lord Curzon pointed out that recognition of the British protectorate was contained in the peace treaty with Germany, and was, accordingly, confirmed by all signatories of the treaty.
The District Traffic Superintendent, Howrah, writineg at midnight on Saturday, says:- At about nineteen-twenty hours on date, while No. 20 Down passenger was proceeding between Lilooah and Howrah it came into collision with a light engine at mile one-and-a-half returning to the loco shed at Bamangachi. Both engines were derailed, and the front compartment of the front bogie third class of No. 20 down telescoped into the engine tender. Three male Indian passengers were killed and four Indian female passengers injured. Both engine crews were injured, the European driver of the light engine seriously. The running of trains was slightly effected. The main Down line is likely to be cleared by mid-day. All injured persons were sent to the Howrah Hospital. An official enquiry will be held to as certain the cause of the accident.