Leading women personalities on what it takes to be a woman!
On International Women's Day, The Statesman talked to esteemed women personalities from various fields on what it takes to be a woman in our country and what empowers them.
On this day a century ago, these were some of the news items The Statesman readers got to read about India and the world.
An earnest effort has been made in recent years in the English countries and large boroughs by the public authorities to prevent the spread of tuberculosis, and it is disappointing to learn that the reports which are available do not speak very confidently about the success that has been achieved. The treatment of early cases seems to be more satisfactory than it used to be, but the mortality seems to be on the increase. Although more people are being cured than formerly, more people take the disease and more people die of it. The chief reason given by those who are engaged in anti-tuberculosis effort is that notification of cases is neglected. By the Tuberculosis Order which came into force in 1913 every medical practitioner is required to notify to the medical officer of health every case of tuberculosis he sees. He is not required, however, to notify a case which he has reason to believe has been notified already. It is this exception to the rule that seems to be taken advantage of by persons who wish to avoid being notified. There seems to be a general impression that unless stricter means are taken to ensure notification, which is said to be the primary safeguard, much of the labour and expense incurred in combating the spread of tuberculosis will be wasted.
An interesting matter is before the Court of Mr. Keays at Jorabagan, in connection with the publication of two Bengali books entitled “Nityo Puja,” and “Nityo Kriya,” in which the author of the first mentioned book is charging the author of the second with infringement of his copyright. Mr. Sirish Chunder Biswas, who appeared for the complainant, Babu Ashutosh Mookerji, said that the book published by the accused, Babu Angore Chunder Chuckerbutty was a verbatim reprint of his client’s book and that even the title page of the accused’s book was a colourable imitation. The pleader for the defence contended that his client’s book was a compilation of the mantras, which had been taken by both authors from a common source. The books were directed to be examined by the Court Interpreter, who reported that some of the passages in both books were the same. The Magistrate has issued a notice on the accused.
The Bombay Chamber consider the present position of import and export trade extremely unsatisfactory and directly attributable in their opinion to the exchange policy adopted from the Currency Committee’s recommendations, which had raised exchange to such a level as to undoubtedly encourage the transfer of capital and create a very unhealthy element of speculation. The Chamber realises that the present situation is probably the outcome of circumstances unforeseen by the Currency Committee at the time of signature of the report, and no doubt the position brought about by the continued decline in American dollar exchange is receiving the Government’s careful consideration. Produce prices have in no sense adjusted themselves to the enhanced level of exchange, with the result that there is a total absence of demand for export finance.
A case of cheating has been disposed of by Mr. S. Chatterjee, Sub-divisional Officer of Bongaon. The case for the prosecution was that for some time past Hridoy Bhusan Ghosh of Jadabpur had been regularly intercepting letters of some of the local firms and had cheated several intending customers of those firms by stealing their order letters and by supplying them with inferior stuff under different names. Some victims of the fraud having brought it to the notice of the Jessore police, an inquiry was held with the result that the accused was prosecuted. In the present case a European lady of Simla was the victim. The Magistrate found the accused guilty and sentenced him to two months’ rigorous imprisonment.
His Exalted Highness the Nizam as a patron of Moslem literature has issued an important firman dealing with the preservation, correction, and elucidation of ancient texts. “We have observed” says the firman “that many of the books relating to our old sciences and learning are printed on very inferior paper and the calligraphy is not at all satisfactory. Numerous errors moreover are found in the texts. Their correction is a matter of urgent necessity. A new department shall therefore be established in our State with a budget of at least a lakh of rupees to be called “The Department for the Correction of Books and Compilations.” Men with expert knowledge of the arts and sciences shall be invited from all over India on terms of service or of remuneration by work