Leading women personalities on what it takes to be a woman!
On International Women's Day, The Statesman talked to esteemed women personalities from various fields on what it takes to be a woman in our country and what empowers them.
On this day a century ago, these were some of the news items The Statesman readers got to read about India and the world.
Replying to Lord Robert Cecil in the House of Commons, Mr. Bonar Law deprecated the premature publication or discussion of part of the peace settlement, which would make the work of the Peace Conference much more difficult. He declared that the reports that the Allies had abandoned the demand for the surrender of the German war criminals, that the United States had dissented from the proposals of the Allies with regard to the settlement of the Adriatic question, and that the Allies had decided to leave the Turks in possession of Constantinople, were absolutely unauthorised. He announced that a new Allied note with regard to the war criminals had been sent to Germany, and would be published as soon as it was received by Germany.
At the annual meeting of the Bombay Trades Association held at the Commercial Gymkhana tonight, Mr. L.U. Mongini, the retiring Master, delivered address reviewing various topical problems. At the outset Mr. Mongini referred to the advent of peace and said they were gradually returning to their old usages. When they considered that victory was achieved through the valour and heroism of their soldiers, they, who had been taunted as a nation of shopkeepers, had a right to be proud of their record. Proceeding, Mr. Mongini congratulated the Port Trust Officials on the financial success of their activities during the last year and expressed disappointment that the Port Trust had increased certain warehouse charges by a hundred per cent. He disputed the contention that the only possible salvation was the development of the northern part of the island.
Shortly afternoon today there was a terrific rock burst in 3,350 feet level, Kennedy shaft, Nundydroog mine, which was attended by disastrous results though fortunately there was no loss of life. A mistry and ten coolies were working in the north bottom of the slope and all but one were injured, two very seriously. Mr. A.S. Hold, an underground timber foreman and his ten boys were also injured, and ten others working in 3,350 and 3,300 levels, suffered by shock. In all 22 injured have been sent to the hospital, the last man being brought to the surface at 2 P.M.