Leading women personalities on what it takes to be a woman!
On International Women's Day, The Statesman talked to esteemed women personalities from various fields on what it takes to be a woman in our country and what empowers them.
On this day a century ago, these were some of the news items The Statesman readers got to read about India and the world.
Although it comes as a slight surprise to find that General Liman von Sanders has not yet paid the penalty for his crimes, which include responsibility for the nameless atrocities perpetrated in Armenia after Turkey had passed completely under German domination, the interview reported in today’s Reuter’s telegrams is interesting in that it indicates a very different frame of mind from the fatuous complacency which distinguishes the post-war meditations of Ludendorff and Tirpitz. The campaign in Palestine, says General Sanders, the rapidity of whose personal movements to the rear eluded even Allenby’s advance, never had a chance of success from the Hun standpoint. This, of course, is a delicate method of explaining that he was not responsible for the most spectacular defeat suffered by the Hun forces in any theatre of war. Still more significant is the General’s expressed opinion with reference to the German outlook in the Near East. “It will be best,” he considers, “to draw the pen through our entire Turkish policy.” Strictly speaking, of course, the pen has already been drawn through it, and that without the slightest consultation with the Huns; but the admission that it will be quite useless to attempt to restore it is so far satisfactory, in that it counters at least one prediction with reference to the German policy of the future and that is that the Berlin to Baghdad lure will continue to draw the Hun eastward once more as soon as he has recovered his strength.
A burglary was committed at the Wellesley Exchange on Tuesday night, about Rs 10,000 and jewellery valued at Rs 100 being carried away. It appears that the proprietor, Mr. J.B. Staynor, who carries on an auctioneering business, and his wife live on the premises. On Tuesday they went with some friends to the Elphinstone Picture Palace and on returning home about midnight Mrs. Staynor’s almirah was found forced open, and her jewellery and the two keys of the iron safe were missing. On the safe being examined it was found open, money, mostly in G.C. notes, amounting to about Rs 10,000, having been stolen. The matter was immediately reported to the police and on a search being made one of the keys of the iron safe was found in the compound, having apparently been dropped by the burglars while they were getting away.
The King’s appeal to employers to employ disabled soldiers has been received favourably everywhere, and there are prospects that the solemn obligation mentioned by the King will be generally carried out. The Ministry of Labour states that fifty thousand disabled soldiers are seeking work, and fifty thousand, for whom work will be wanted, will shortly be discharged from the hospitals and convalescent homes. The scheme put forward as an addendum to the King’s proclamation invites employers with over ten employees to take five per cent disabled men on their establishment, if possible. It is not intended that the proposals shall lead to the dilution of skilled labour. The wages of the men who have been trained will be governed by the conditions laid down in the agreement with the Trade Advisory Committees, and disability pensions will not be taken into account.
The newspapers, while emphasing that a two shilling rupee will make imports from India more costly and encourage British exports to India, point out that the plantation companies will suffer, and the price of tropical produce, as expressed in sterling, must increase. It is urged that the Treasury and the India Council should seriously consider the matter with a view to preventing a further rise in the rupee.
At the opening of the States General, today, Queen Wilhelmina, referring to the relations with Belgium, said she had been called on emphatically to defend the rights and interests of the State and its integrity. She said: “My thoughts, in intimate union with my entire people, turn towards Limburg and Zeeland-Flanders in whose fidelity and devotion the solidarity and strength of our national unity has found unmistakable expression.” The Queen foreshadowed a tax on luxuries, increased stamp duties, and anti-profiteering measures.