Leading women personalities on what it takes to be a woman!
On International Women's Day, The Statesman talked to esteemed women personalities from various fields on what it takes to be a woman in our country and what empowers them.
On this day a century ago, these were some of the news items The Statesman readers got to read about India and the world.
Should Mr. Montagu be at the India Office three years hence – a possible, but by no means certain contingency – we now know exactly what we have to expect as the result of the well meant but futile surrender of the Government of India in the matter of the duration of the Anarchical and Revolutionar y Crimes Act. Speaking in the House of Commons in answer to Captain Ormsby-Gore, Mr. Montagu, according to Reuter, “emphasised that the Act was valid for three years only, after which the whole position would be considered, and if anarchical and revolutionary acts were abandoned the Act would not be used, and there would be no necessity for its renewal.” A good deal depends upon what is meant by the condition “if anarchical and revolutionary acts were abandoned.” If it means that there is no anarchical or revolutionary outrage in the interval then the repeal of the Act is assured, for it is notorious that its effect is, and has been to render revolutionary outrages almost impossible. Thus the very effectiveness of the Act will be its undoing, and the immunity from anarchical crime which may reasonably be looked for during the next two and a half years as the result of its operation will be utilised as an argument for restoring the former reign of terror.
Several reports of paddy looting cases have reached here from the interior of the district. On the 31st of last month some 50 people looted paddy worth about Rs 120 from a country boat while it was anchored near Baikunthapur in the Cossye River, and the police have sent 15 men and 3 women to Midnapore for trial. On the 2nd instant paddy to the value of above Rs 500 was removed by some 30 to 40 people from another boat while it was waiting in a canal near Debra, and on the afternoon of the same day, while a number of bullock carts were carrying paddy for despatch near Haldinada on the Chandrakona road, about 100 persons raided them and removed 25 bags containing some 43 maunds of paddy. Eight men have been sent up in connection with this case.
The Hindu University has just received a donation of five lakhs which His Highness the Maharaja Sahib of Patiala was pleased a little time ago, to sanction. The amount is ear-marked for providing instruction and training in mechanical and electrical engineering. It will enable the University to complete its engineering workshops by erecting a power-house and a large machineshop, both of which it is expected will be finished before the end of this year. It might be added that in addition to this grant, His Highness has made a recurring grant of twenty-four thousand rupees a year for the promotion of instruction in mechanical and electrical engineering.
As a result of the trouble taken by Lady Macleod the wife of Chief Justice, who gave information to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and also gave evidence in court, a bench of honorary magistrates today convicted a hack Victoria driver and fined him Rs 10 for mercilessly beating his horse. The magistrate thanked Lady Macleod for the trouble she had taken and hoped other citizens would follow the good example set by her. The magistrate added that the drawback in Bombay was that the public did not sufficiently co-operate with the society.
On Sunday the Huntsend brought the main body of the 2nd Devonshire Regiment. With the advance party which arrived recently by the Stephen, the strength of the battalion, which is under the command of Lieut. Col. J.P. Law, is now 26 officers and 968 men. Further drafts are due shortly, which will bring the battalion to 1,103. The troops proceeded to Sabathu, Jutogh and Kasauli, where they are to be stationed, by two troop specials. The Huntsend also brought the headquarters of the 205th Machine-Gun Coy., which has proceeded to Mhow where a number of companies are being gathered with a view to being formed into battalions, a new formation recently decided on by the army authorities. Officers with the company were Lt.-Col. Blackwood, Major Royce, Capt. Low (Adjutant), Capt. Gilbert, Lieut. Thomas and Lieut. Fletcher.