Leading women personalities on what it takes to be a woman!
On International Women's Day, The Statesman talked to esteemed women personalities from various fields on what it takes to be a woman in our country and what empowers them.
On this day a century ago, these were some of the news items The Statesman readers got to read about India and the world.
At the High Court yesterday Justices Hayward and Shah heard arguments in the application presented by Sir Cowasji Jehangir praying for revision of an order passed by the Chief Presidency Magistrate requiring the applicant to abate certain noises of which Major Porter, his neighbor, complained under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code. Justice Shah and Hayward delivered separate but concurring judgments discharging the rule. Justice Hayward observed that the facts found were fully within the very wide scope of the section, and that the order passed was within the jurisdiction of the Chief Presidency Magistrate under Section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code. His Lordship remarked that having regard to the position of the parties it was not improper to express a hope that both parties might act hereafter in a spirit of forbearance. Justice Hayward expressed his approval of the remarks.
In addition to the great damage done by the recent floods at Kawkareik, in the Amherst District, a new source of trouble and loss has occurred in the famine area in the deposit left by the floods. After these had subsided the green caterpillar appeared, and has immediately destroyed the young paddy plants which had been planted to take the place of the crops lost by the excessive rainfall. The plight of cultivators is therefore serious. Labourers have no work, and ten per cent of the people have fled while another ten per cent are suffering from diarrhoea and dysentery caused by eating roots and leaves. Fifty per cent are waiting for the rice supplied by Government, but only about 15 per cent can purchase it on cash or credit. Some are taking loans, promising huge interest after the harvest.
To avoid further disturbances reserve police have been stationed in all the big rice hats as Kamalpore, Shashali, Kantapokur, Baxi and Kharubereah. Rice dealers have been strictly advised not to moor their boats in places where ready help is not available along such rivers as the Rupnarayan, Damudar, Saraswatti and Bhagirathi. Village watchmen have been ordered by the police to patrol the khals and canal embankments during the night. The Subdivisional Officer was busy last week visiting several places and giving the people to understand that Rangoon rice was forthcoming. The price of paddy and rice has fallen in several places by 8 annas to 12 annas as the paddy merchants, apprehending disturbances, are now disposing of the stocks.