Leading women personalities on what it takes to be a woman!
On International Women's Day, The Statesman talked to esteemed women personalities from various fields on what it takes to be a woman in our country and what empowers them.
On this day a century ago, these were some of the news items The Statesman readers got to read about India and the world.
To The Editor Of The Statesman
SIR, – The recent further fall in the purchasing power of the British pound, as reflected in the increased sterling value of the rupee, appears to have stimulated many people in India to remit what they can spare to England. Indeed, if last week’s applications for Reverse Councils be any guide, nearly every European in this country must be attempting to get all he can out of India whilst the rupee will buy between 2s. 8d. and 2s. 9d. Is this not a very shortsighted policy? Do those who are so anxious to send their money to England, realise that he present purchasing power of the pound in Great Britain is only about the equivalent of seven shillings of pre-war money? Suffice it now to say that there is not much point in getting twice as much English money for one’s rupees if that money has lost a third of its purchasing power.
To The Editor Of The Statesman
SIR, – On my recent return from the Central Conference of the Methodist Church in India, held at Lucknow my attention has been drawn to a letter published some time ago from the Hon. Secretary, of the Anglo-Indian and Domiciled European Association, Bengal, stating that at the Conference of AngloIndians held at Allahabad I did not represent that Association. The telegram which appeared in The Statesman at the time merely stated that I was one of those that came from Calcutta; and I have yet to learn that the Association above-named comprehends every Anglo-Indian and Domiciled European of the city, not to speak of those outside. I write merely because it is intended to have a series of such conferences, and I am on the point of leaving again for Allahabad, if need be, to discuss other important questions concerning the community in general.
To The Editor Of The Statesman
SIR, – I hold no brief for the Mutual Provident Building Company, nor am I directly interested in it, but a tenant of today cannot but appreciate the wide scope of the potential benefits underlying the scheme of the company comprised in the acquiring and improving of large tracts of land and the retailing thereof to those who have the means to build their own modest dwellings and see in that the most satisfactory solution of their own housing difficulties. I would particularly urge the members of the big firms in Calcutta to examine the scheme and give it their support by applying for plots whereon to build dwellings for themselves and their employees. The question of employees apart, it is surprising to think that the majority of “Burra Sahibs” whom Calcutta has seen in the past have been content, for the long years of their residence here, to pay heavy rents for the houses they occupied instead of building or acquiring their own.