The Unnao MP, who has often been in the news for controversial statements, wrote on Facebook: “If this crowd comes suddenly to your street, neighbourhood or house, there is a remedy for it… For such guests, every house should have one or two boxes of cold drinks and some arrows. Jai Shri Ram.”
Along with his message, he posted a photograph of a crowd of people charging down a street armed with sticks.
“The police will not come to save you, but will instead hide to save themselves. After these people do ‘jihad’ and leave, the police will come with lathis and form an investigation committee after everything is over.”
Sakshi Maharaj’s post comes in the wake of communal clashes in Delhi’s Jahangirpuri that took place on April 16.
Before that, communal clashes were reported from a number of states on the occasion of Ram Navami.