Pakistan’s external debt servicing obligations are USD 2.44 billion for the current month of July 2023, including USD 2.07 billion in non-guaranteed debt owed to China, according to The News International,
Another USD 1 billion safe deposit from China is also due, so Pakistan and China are currently working on the rollover of around USD 3 billion bilateral debt within the ongoing month. According to official information made accessible to The News international, Pakistan must pay back the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia USD 195 million for the current month. According to The News International, Pakistan is required to repay China around USD 363 million in guaranteed bilateral loans, including principal and markup payments.
Pakistan has to repay external debt servicing to France to the tune of USD 2.85 million and Japan to USD 4.57 million.
In a guaranteed bilateral loans category, Pakistan needs to repay China to the tune of USD 402 million as principal and mark up in the ongoing month, The News International reported.
As commitment fees, Pakistan has to pay a penalty of USD 4 million within the ongoing month of fiscal year 2023-24. So total bilateral payment due within July 2023 stands at USD 513.32 million during the current month.
Pakistan has to pay as interest payment on account of Eurobond to the tune of USD 40 million in the ongoing month.
Pakistan must pay back USD 9 million to commercial banks in the current month due to payback obligations. Total payback, in the form of secure Chinese deposits, is USD 1 billion, comprising USD 1 billion in principle and USD 33 million in markup. According to The News International, Pakistan has asked China for permission to roll over USD 1 billion in safe deposit boxes, but it would have to pay back USD 33 million in interest.
Pakistan has to repay the IMF to the tune of outstanding loans of USD 189.67 million including the principal amount of USD 165.02 million and markup of USD 24.65 million. On account of the Naya Pakistan Certificate, Pakistan will have to repay USD 46 million in the shape of principal and mark-up amounts.
Pakistan has to repay outstanding loan repayment to the ADB to the tune of USD 56.9 million, the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA) repayment of USD 72.06 million and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) USD 8.82 million and some minor repayments to International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and other donors. The total repayment to the multilateral creditors in July stands at USD 149.41 million, The News International reported.
In the non-guaranteed loan category, the outstanding loan repayment stands at USD 2.007 billion including the principal amount of USD 1.79 billion and mark-up amount of USD 286.07 million within the ongoing month of the current fiscal year.
Pakistan has to repay USD 2.44bn external debt in July 2023
[Representational Photo : iStock]