Iraq to declare Mosul’s full liberation from IS within two days

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Iraq will declare full liberation of Mosul from the Islamic State (IS) terrorists within two days, an Iraqi army commander said on Tuesday.

"The maximum deadline to declare full liberation of Mosul from IS group will be on Thursday," Xinhua quoted Major General Najim al-Jubouri, commander of Nineveh's Operations Command, as saying.

"After that the troops will head to last redoubt for IS terrorists in the Nineveh province in Tal Afar," Jubouri said, adding that the army's 9th Armoured Division, Counter-Terrorism Service (CTS) forces and the federal police will be ready to free Tal Afar.

Tal-Afar, which located some 70 km west of Mosul, is the town of majority of both Sunni and Shia Turkomans, in addition to other minorities of Kurds and Arabs. The town fell to IS hands in 2014.

As for the battles in the old city of the western side of Mosul, Jubouri said, "We have about 400 metres remained under IS in some areas and soon after we liberate al-Maydan area, we will declare the liberation of the right bank (western side of Tigris River) completely."

Iraq's Counter Terrorism Service, army, federal police and the Rapid Response forces have been fighting inside the old city, but the troops are making slow progress due to the stiff resistance of IS terrorists.