Spandana Raghavendra, the wife of the Kannada actor Vijay Raghavendra, passed away on Sunday following a cardiac arrest while she was on holiday in Bangkok. Spandana experienced low blood pressure when returning to her hotel room from shopping, according to information obtained by India TV. By tomorrow, her remains will have been transported to Bangalore, where her final rituals will be performed by her family.
On Sunday night, the deceased reported chest trouble, which led to her being taken urgently to a nearby hospital.
The Kannada TV industry lamented Spandana’s passing after learning about her passing. Some news is incredibly difficult to hear, the singer Rakshitha Prem remarked on her Instagram story. Gods really do have everything. Kirik Keerthi also expressed her condolences for Spandana’s passing on Instagram. She said that she hoped the news was false because it would be such a tremendous shock.
Few people are aware that Spandana Raghavendra appeared in Ravichandran’s 2016 film Apoorva. Her husband’s films were also produced by her. Spandana attended MES College in Kerala and Stella Maris College in Bengaluru. She wasn’t just a talented actress; she also produced pictures. In the Karnataka Assembly Elections, her brother Rakshith Shivaram, an advocate, ran as a candidate for the Congress.
Spandana, the daughter of retired DK Shivaraman, was born in Belthangadi, Dakshina Kannada, and she and her husband lived in Bangalore. In 2007, she married Vijay Raghavendra, with whom she had a son. Vijay is the cousin of the actors Shiva Rajkumar, Puneeth Rajkumar, and Raghavendra Rajkumar and the eldest son of the producer SA Chinne Gowda.
On Sapandana’s birthday a few days prior, Vijay Raghavendra posted a family photo to Instagram. Additionally, he sent his family another touching photo along with the caption, “A sea of joy. Our neighbour.