Bharti Airtel on Friday announced the availability of fresh stocks of Apples “super premium” “iPhone X” on its online store. It will be available starting Friday November 17, starting 8:00 PM onwards.
Apple iPhone X costs Rs. 89,000 for the 64GB variant while the 256GB version comes at Rs. 102,000. The first batch of the “iPhone X” on Airtel’s online store was sold out within minutes of going on sale on November 3, the company said in a statement.
“iPhone X on Airtel’s Online Store is available exclusively to Airtel postpaid customers as an unlocked device on a first come first serve and full payment basis, till stocks last. Airtel will deliver the device free of charge to customers’ doorstep. iPhone X 64 GB model is priced at Rs. 89,000 and the 256 GB model at Rs. 102,000. Airtel’s Online Store accepts digital payments through all leading credit cards and debit cards, net banking, Airtel Payments Bank and other leading platforms,” it added.
The device on Airtel’s Online Store is available exclusively to postpaid customers as an unlocked device on a first come first serve and full-payment basis, till stocks last. The company will also deliver the device free of charge to customers’ doorstep.
(Written with inputs from IANS)