On Tuesday, Faggan Singh Kulaste, the minister of state for rural development and steel, unveiled the “JALDOOT App and JALDOOT App e-brochure,” which attempts to organise data on groundwater levels around the nation.
Every village now has two Jaldoot officers tasked with measuring all open wells twice a year.
According to the ministry, Jaldoots will manually gauge the water levels in two to three wells in each village and upload geo-tagged pictures to the app. The app will operate in both online and offline modes, and data stored on mobile devices will synchronise with the app whenever it enters a connectivity area.
.@MoRD_GoI launches JALDOOT App
✅Will be used across the country to capture the water level of selected wells in a village.
✅The app will facilitate panchayats with robust data, which can be further used for better planning of works.
Watch video for details pic.twitter.com/moghBseG2F
— PIB India (@PIB_India) September 27, 2022
The ministry further mentioned that registered users can access water level, monsoon, and user reports on the JALDOOT website. For analysis and the benefit of many stakeholders, the data entered by Jaldoots will be connected with the Nation Water Informatics Centre (NWIC) database.
The Panchayati Raj and Union rural development ministries created the app. Every year, from May 1 to October 31 and from May 1 to May 31, manual water level measurements will be performed. At the inauguration event were, among others, Union Minister of State for Panchayati Raj Kapil Moreshwar Patil and Union Minister of State for Rural Development, Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti.
The water level of a village’s chosen one to three wells will be recorded using this app, the government said. The pre-monsoon water level in open wells will be manually measured from May 1 to May 31 and the post-monsoon level for the same well will be manually monitored from October 1 to October 31.
On each occurrence of measurement, Jaldoots, or the officials tasked with measuring the water levels, should also upload the geo-tagged photos via the app.