Truecaller collaborates with Cyberpeace foundation; launches #TrueCyberSafe campaign for online safety

Photo: SNS

In a bid to raise awareness about internet safety, Truecaller, the global platform for verifying contacts is collaborating with CyberPeace Foundation, to launch #TrueCyberSafe campaign to focus on online safety.

The joint initiative between Truecaller and CyberPeace Foundation aims to create awareness and train people to tackle Cyber frauds leading to a safer communication experience. The certification developed along with Autobot Infosec will help people in tackling various kinds of frauds, impersonation, harassment and scams.

The safety trainings will be held in 5 regions across India to increase awareness about the steps that users can take to avoid fraud, spam and scams

Col Nidhish Bhatnagar, Rashtriya Raksha University, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India said“Cybersecurity is among India’s major concerns today. As more cyber threats penetrate through the vulnerabilities of our digital infrastructure, the more at risk we are on a personal level, as well as at the national level. In today’s globalized and interconnected world, such threats and vulnerabilities are only likely to increase manifold in the coming years. Hence, it becomes necessary to approach the issue of cybersecurity in a holistic manner to be able to prevent as well as manage cyberattacks. To this end, it is imperative to enhance the public awareness as well as build capacity to address this rapidly evolving threat; and a nationwide campaign for the same is a step towards mitigating data breaches, identity thefts and data thefts in the country.”

Commenting on the partnership, Pragya Misra, Public Affairs Director, Truecaller India, said: “The recent pandemic and social distancing has emphasized the importance of digital communication. However, with this convenience that has helped all of us stay connected, we have also had to tackle challenges like Spam and Fraud instances leading to considerable personal loss. Safety has always been and continues to be an absolute priority for us at Truecaller and we are constantly working towards achieving the highest standards of online safety for our users and the wider public at large.”

He further said, “This program is a continuation of our efforts that will help increase awareness about Cyber Frauds and build user capacity on how people can stay safe while communicating. We are very excited to partner with CyberPeace Foundation to disseminate these trainings that will target both mature and first-time internet users across India in English and regional languages.”

Sharing his thoughts on the collaboration, Major Vineet Kumar, Founder and Global President, CyberPeace Foundation said: “Past two decades CyberPeace Foundation has emphasized on Online Safety and the issues that might be faced in the upcoming days. Post the onset of pandemic, we did see a rise in the Cyber related frauds and hence we have constantly collaborated with the organizations to ensure that the netizens stay CyberAware and CyberAlert and they know the mechanism to report and raise their voices.”

“On our helpline, we get almost 10-11 cases per day related to CyberFrauds. To address this issue, we are delighted to work with Truecaller and Autobot Infosec and believe that this program on understanding online threats and safety is the future of Internet use,” he added.